Looking at the good and bad things putting them down on paper and reviewing them, I have to say that yes overall it was a very bad year for me. While there were things that went well, they are far out shadowed by the things that did not and have left me less than what I started the year to be, except for my weight. I have let people/companies walk over me without doing much about it. I have probably said things I shouldn’t have to people. I have had old acquaintances find me and I have lost friends and family. I gained weight that I had lost, I tried to better myself but in some respect failed, I have tried to do good deeds but who knows if they succeeded. So, as I sit and look back, no it wasn’t a very good year for me.
So what for this next year? Plans? Goals? Resolutions? Not sure. Only thing I have decided is that this is the year of me. Not that I am going to be self-centered, but I think I need to repair me. I need to do things that I enjoy and that help me as well as others. What will this entail? I don’t know yet, but I will be making changes. What will be the end game? I am hoping a better person that treats me as well as others. So if I am quiet, if I am loud, if I am defiant, if I am resolute you will know why. It is a process.