After some time and work, I came up with my speech. It was to be 90 seconds so not a lot of time to convey what you want. I feel this represented me and what I was trying to convey.
Ownership, I am not talking about owning a boy, or slave, I am talking about owning who you are. Standing up for yourself, not letting circumstances, events, or other people tell you can’t do something.
Ownership, telling others that even if they don’t look the way you do, everyone is still valuable and have much to offer the community.
Ownership, showing that diversity is the key to fraternity.
Ownership, showing that your kink isn’t my kink but that is what makes it all work.
Ownership, showing with actions rather than just words that we can build a better community.
Ownership, knowing that when we own who we are, we can become a leader.
Ownership, realizing that we all have self-doubt, and struggle with wanting to be accepted for who we are, and that is a part of life and it is ok to stumble, but don't let it hinder you.
Own who you are, what you are, what you do, what makes you you!
We all deserve to experience a life of joy, freedom, and completeness. Just don’t give up, take ownership of who and what you are.
Stand up and be proud. Be Owned.